Pregnant Women Must Know Facts on Cosmetics

来源: 成都安琪儿妇产医院发布时间:2015-12-28 09:26:37

If you are planning on getting pregnant soon,please do not dye or perm your hair ,do not use nail polish or other nail products.
Do not use the unknow ,unclear and excessively publicized healthcare or cosmetic products.
Hormonal changes during pregnancy causes acne, so during this time cosmetic procedures should be simplified and can be supplemented with appropriate anti-acne products .In addition lighter make up is recommended over heavy makeup.
During pregnancy ,as much as you can do not use deeply colored ,strongly fragranced, complex cosmetics and health care products.
Pregnancy can cause pigmented spots on the face to become deeper and new spots to appear .During this time you should take extra measures to avoid the sun and use extra sunscreen .You can use general whitening products, but three in one cream(A acid + hydroquinone +steroid) is not suitable for use duriing pregnancy.
Stretch markes appear easily in the later stages of pregnancy. If necessary ,you can start using high potency moisturizers and local massages beginning mid-pregnancy.
During pregnancy ,the skin can easily get dry and itchy with rash, in addition to wearing loose and air permeable clothing ,try to stay in a cool environment and use bath products that are gentle to the skin .See a dermatologist if the problem become serious and follow his advice on appropriate drugs or skin care products for treatment.
During pregnancy it is not recommend to have non-urgent cosmetic treatment(laser,intense pulsed light,radiofrequency or electeotherapy skin treatment) or plastic surgery(including minor plastic surgery), in order to avoid exposure to unnecessary risk and problem,
If you are prone to scaring ,you need to discuss this with your physician before the c-section so you can use available products propely to prevent abnormal scar formation.

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